It’s Time!

David Copeland January 3, 2012 3:13 pm

Back in November, Pam and I had the opportunity to minister at New Life Assembly in Mounlton, Alabama. These people are some of the finest saints of God you will ever meet. We are so thankful they are a part of our Revival Now Partnership Team!

While we were there, a dear sister (Sis. Yolanda) gave us a prophetic word the Holy Spirit gave her back in 2002. She felt very strongly it was for us and for the people connected to Revival Now Ministries. After re-reading this word about ten times, I sense very strongly it is for the Body of Christ as we enter into 2012. I hope it blesses you!


There has been a long season of change, of the refiners fire, of preparation, of waiting on the right timing. IT IS TIME. The season has been coming and is now beginning to manifest. IT IS TIME.

You have heard wait, wait, wait- you have heard the latter wine is better than the former wine. You have heard- they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagle, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

You have been through many seasons of change. You have let many of your hopes and dreams die. You have felt the pain of disappointment and loss. You have been full and have come to the place of emptiness. You have been strong and have come to the place of weakness. You have been bold and now you are timid. Why? Why? Why? You have asked. In your heart you long for the times of refreshing. You feel dry and wonder if this could really be where your God has placed you. But be of good courage! IT IS TIME!!

Your life has been cleansed-stripped- the refiners fire has burned up much in your life and situation. You are just a small measure of what you used to be. Now, you are exactly where you need to be. You are empty and you shall be filled. You have longed to hear my voice and you shall hear. You have longed to see and understand and even now your spiritual eyes are opening.  IT IS TIME. You are being filled by the Spirit of God. You are being stirred. There are gifts and anointings coming forth. There are callings coming forth. IT IS TIME. I am filling your mouths with My words. Speak them in My timing and they will heal and bless. IT IS TIME. Be My hands and My feet to bless and touch. IT IS TIME.

Behold, I do a new thing, before it springs forth you shall know it. Forget the former things, forget the things that held you. I tell you now, look, listen, and follow me for it is the season to move. Break free of the cords the enemy has held you with and walk with Me. Let Me be your shepherd. Let me lead you and feed you. Let me sooth you and shelter you. Let Me fill you and stir you up for IT IS TIME!!!!

Thanks Sis Yolanda. And Thanks New Life in Moulton!

Let The Fire Fall!