Is Israel God’s Chosen People?
One of the most damaging beliefs in the Church today is a thought called Replacement Theology. I admit, I have not delved into everything about this subject, but I have been influenced by it enough to know it doesn't jive with the Word! Replacement Theology is simply a believe that Israel is no long God's chosen people, the Church is; and every place in Scripture where you see Israel mentioned, God is now talking about the Church. That is an Americanized and European view point both on Israel and Scripture and according to my study of Scripture, it does not hold water!
This is a blog and not a book, so I will attempt to be brief. If you go by human tradition, it belongs to neither one of them; if the Word of God is the Authority in your life, then you know God promised the land to Abraham and his seed through Isaac.
In some Christian discussion groups and internet boards, I am noticing a growing resentment to Israel and the US's support of them. There is a sinister move in our government (and even in the Body of Christ) to isolate Israel and pressure them to make concessions over land and especially the city of Jerusalem that if it continues in the direction it is going now, an all out assault against the Jewish people is coming that could truly lead us into the battle of Armageddon!
Let me also say, as a Christian I also love the Palestinian people! There are Palestinian believers who are also suffering a tremendous persecution from their own people for rejecting Islam and service Jesus. I am not saying everything Israel does is godly. But we should pray for them, believe in them and thank them! It was because of their rejection of Jesus as Messiah the first time that brought us the opportunity to accept Him as our Messiah! But one day they will see Him come on that White Horse and declare He IS King of Kings and Lord of Lords! One day, God will turn His attention to Israel and according to Romans 11, they will be saved.
Romans Chapter 11 is Paul's defense of the Jewish people, their place in God's Kingdom and the answer to critics who say God no long recognizes Israel as His chosen people:
Rom 11:1 I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, [of] the tribe of Benjamin.
Rom 11:2 God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew.
The first Christian believers were Jews. Since 1948, our nation has supported the Jewish people. Yes, many of them hate us as Christians because of atrocities that were committed against them in the Name of Jesus back during the crusades. Muslims also hate us for the same things. But with a Baptism of the Love of God on us, we can show both Jews and Muslims that Jesus didn't come to take over the world by military force, but He came to conqueror mankind buy the force of Love! We are the generation that could actually see the fulfillment of Mathew 24 in our lifetime! We must continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and resist this belief system in the Church that Israel is no longer the chosen people of God!
I don't have the time or space to go into a detailed study of this chapter. You need to read it; study it; digest it in your spirit and you will see verse 29 still says
The gifts and calling of God is without repentance! Or, as the NIV says, they are irrevocable!