I’m Not Crazy: I’m The Sanest Person I Know
The third day of classes at the Maasai Vocational Training Center were once again covered with a sweet Presence of the Lord. Over 40 pastors and some of their wives joined us as we continue to study the Authority of the Believer, The Book of Acts and New Testament 1 and 2.
During my study for the Book of Acts I came across this quote: One of the greatest sins of the Old Testament was that fathers were to love their sons and daughters and teach them the ways and the commands of God: and the did not!
This is all the more reason there needs to be a return to spiritual fatherhood…and not simply mentoring and coaching.
I know people think I'm against everything and for nothing, but I have observed a couple of interesting things about some coaches:
Coaches go where the money and the fame and the TV package and the perks are greatest; and they will coach you for at least a one time "offering" of $250.00 and you must buy all their books and tapes and CD's (sorry, I forgot cassette tapes are gone). But of course, you get a 10% discount.
Fathers (real fathers) will be with you for free. Because they are your father.
And a real father will never go anywhere for very long that he can't take his children with him. A real father says if my kids can't come, I don't need to be there.
A coach or mentor may teach you how to pray; a spiritual father will not only teach you but will take the time to pray with you and for you.
I'm convinced one of the goals of the Gospel is to re-establish God's will for the family. God's will is ONE MAN be married to ONE WOMAN. Now that another activist judge has overturned California's Proposition 8 that the voters in California voted to ban gay marriage, the flood gate is opening for us as Christian people to be severely persecuted if we are against gay marriage. All the more reason for God to restore the spirit of Elijah that will turn the heart of the fathers to the children; so the heart of the children will turn to the fathers so the earth can have the current curse lifted form it.
And please don't tell me I'm a bigot; I have ministered to hundred of homosexuals in my travels around the world. I love their souls; but I can not condone their sin. And friends, there are some things that are still sin. And that's not hate speech.
I have been preaching since 1980 that there will come a day in America in which true Christian believers will be severely persecuted and in the minority for standing for truth. Many Christian people are afraid of being branded as divisive so they will vote for activist judges, they will vote politicians into office who support abortion, gay rights and will say nothing when Islam builds a mosque at Ground Zero.
All in the name of political…and religious correctness.
People laughed and made fun of me then; and they do now. But this is no longer a laughing matter. Does common sense ever exist anymore?
Call me out of touch.
Call me an old fogey.
Call me a right wing nut.
The first disciples were crucified, cut in two pieces, boiled in oil and left on islands to die, crucified upside down and counted it an honor for the Glory of God.
What makes us think that because we are Americans we deserve anything better?
You know why younger generations like the watered down version of church? Fathers have not given them anything to live for…aim for…or die for.
I know this won't help my offerings this month. But I do not apologize.
God, give us a return of spiritual fathers and mothers that will teach us to persevere…even unto death.
Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to have eternal life. Not by good works. Not by blowing yourself up. But by recieving His Blood applied to your sins as payment in full.
Let the Fire Fall!!!!!