I Apologize!
I apologize!
I apologize that I don't have a seminary degree to prove my credentials to you; I was too busy raising my family and serving a local church that was getting people saved and baptized in the Holy Ghost to get one that would secure your approval of me as a legitimate minister of the Gospel.
I apologize if my loud and passionate preaching offends you; I preach the way I do because the thought of anyone going to hell on my watch wakes me up at night, and keeps me praying during the day that I would always speak the right words with the right anointing that would cause people to turn to God and away from sin! I preach the way I do because I know the Church of Jesus Christ is capable of being and doing more than she is right now!
I apologize if my worship offends you; I worship Jesus the way I do because I have fallen head over heals in love with Him!
I apologize if it offends you that I believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God; I just happen to believe there ARE some absolutes still left in life!
Wait a minute: I don't apologize either! I whole heartedly believe every one of these items! I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ! I am passionate about Jesus Christ and I am passionately awaiting a move of His Spirit that will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea!
Because the Bible tells me so!