Holiness, Prayer and Revival in Kenya
I like being in Kenya because I seem to have more time to blog than I do when I am at home or traveling in the U.S. When I am home or in the U.S. I am either preparing to preach or catching up on office work getting ready to leave for another revival.
Day 8 of the Maasai Vocational Training for Pastors was again off the charts. I cannot put into English how refreshing it is to teach/ preach for two hours at a time to hungry men and women. I say teach/preach because everyone who knows me knows there is more preach than teach in me! But when I have too…I can. Sometimes. Maybe. Sort of.
We also started a course on Holiness I think every American pastor needs to take or re-take. I am grateful for the freedom and liberty we have in Jesus Christ! And I realize serving Jesus is NOT a list of do's and don'ts. But Paul also said we shouldn't let our liberty be evil spoken of. Much of the criticism against us as American preachers is deserved; we have compromised to get a crowd to follow us, but have we really imparted to people the fact that GOD IS A HOLY GOD!!!!!!!!
When you stand before Him HE WILL judge us! Do we understand that Grace is not a license to sin; it's an ability to choose to live right and do right….
Because we want to hear Him say WELL DONE!!!!!!
Yes….I shouted!