He IS Risen!
He IS Risen!
I tried to post this last night from Kenya but our internet connection quit and wouldn't connect back. I'm excited to be able to celebrate the Resurrection this year in Kenya. Last year we were honored to Celebrate the greatest day of Christianity in Bedford Indiana at Tabernacle of Praise with Pastor Gary Thomas. The year before it was somewhere else, and before that somewhere else.
I say that because each Resurrection Celebration is exciting, meaningful and life changing. It's been that way since my first Easter Sunrise service in which I took part in Phenix City Alabama in a blooming Azalea garden of some friends of ours. Each Celebration has left an indelible mark on my life…and my faith. I was 15 years old, had completely committed my life to Jesus and was beginning to sense a stirring in my heart and life that one year later would come to realize was the calling of God to preach the Gospel. Every Easter Sunday since then has had a special emphasis and is a living stone in my life.
I don't think it's an accident that Easter is celebrated in the Spring. Every tree that carries new buds, every flower that releases new blooms all reinforce the beauty and the Power of this day! Yes, the pollen is getting bad, and the grass is needing to be mowed and soon it will be so hot we can't stand it… But Easter comes in the Spring…..
Because HE IS RISEN!!!!!!!
Join me in celebrating a new beginning. He IS Lord and He IS ready to Spring forth into your life.
Let Him. Celebrate Him. Enjoy your family, hunt some eggs with the kids, but don't forget, we celebrate Easter because of the Resurrection and the Resurrection tells us….