Happy Thanksgiving
It's hard to believe, but here we are at the eleventh month of 2010. In just a few days, it will be Christmas, and then a brand new year, 2011!
As this time of the year comes upon us, I want to give God Thanksgiving for several things:
First, I thank God for my wife and family. I am grateful for the love and support our daughters, sons in law and grandchildren give to us. It is easier for us to travel to the nations knowing our family is praying for and supporting what God has called us to do.
Secondly, I thank God for the calling He has placed on our lives. Pam and I never dreamed we would be able to visit some of the places we have visited. We are blessed to have experienced the love and power of God in different nations of the world. We have met some truly remarkable people over the last ten years that have impacted our lives with the love of God. We are truly richer in Jesus because of them!
I thank God for the pastors who have believed in our calling and our ministry. They have allowed us the privilege of partnering with their local church to see a measure of revival to come into their local area. I'm still convinced the greatest days of the church in America are ahead of us and the greatest move of God's Spirit is yet to come. We are thankful for the Kingdom connections God has given us here in the US.
I thank God for the ministry team Pam and I get to travel with. We get the opportunity to minister alongside some of the greatest men and women of God in the world on our trips to Kenya. They always want to remain anonymous, but these are some of God's choicest servants. They know who they are and we thank them for letting us tag along!
I thank God for you our partners, for believing in us and helping us respond to the Macedonian cry of the nations to come over and help them. Because of you and the Power of God, many nations are being impacted by Revival Now Ministries. When you stand before God, many people will come up to you and thank you for helping send David and Pam to walk along side them in their journey of faith.
Also, thank you for the personal support Pam and I have received over the last ten years. Many people would rather give finances to a project because the fear of money being misused. We constantly have to live down other ministries' mistakes and misuse of funds. Pam and I live very frugally; in fact we live on a lot less than most people make every month, and the majority of the time we pay our own expenses to revival meetings here in the U.S., not allowing the ministry to reimburse us. I do not say this out of pity or pride; we do that because we know how important it is to the ministry. So, thank you again for your personal support!
Pam and I are more convinced than ever before that God has called us to increase our work in the Maasailand of Kenya. We do not feel called to move there full time, but eventually our vision is to travel there several more times a year to conduct crusade evangelism (which absolutely works in Africa) and pastors training. Our vision is to eventually plant several more Bible/Vocational Training Centers across the Maasai area in Kenya to help the 85% of the pastors there who are not affiliated with any denominational group. Your faithful giving to Revival Now Ministries will help us reach thousands in areas most will never travel to. I'm not saying that with pity or pride: we have heard their cry, so we must go! Will you continue to help us? All giving to Revival Now Ministries is tax deductible.
And of course, you can visit our website, http://revivalnow.org/sponsor if you are interested in sponsoring a child at the Maasai Christian Academic Centre. If you would like to receive our weekly video email Friday Fire, send an email to david.
Thank you again for your prayers and for your support of Revival Now Ministries.
Happy Thanksgiving!
David & Pam