Forgetting Those Things Behind
Once again I am so grateful for a new beginning! I said it in our last blog and in our January newsletter every year! God desires for us to have a new beginning so much, He gives us 12 brand new months, 365 brand new days; 8760 brand new hours and 31,536,00 brand new seconds!
Thank you Jesus for a new beginning!
But in pursuing a new beginning, so many can’t get past their last act of disobedience because of condemnation of what they’ve done, or a fear of doing it again.
Don’t miss what God is doing in your life thinking about what you’ve missed in your life.
No one has done it 100% right. Everyone has suffered some kind of loss in the last year. Some of us have lost more than others.
But in spite of where we have gone wrong and in spite of what we have lost, God wants to give us a season of recovery!
Choose to focus on what God is saying and doing in your live right now. He is very able to give you much ,ore than you have lost!
Paul said it better in Philippians 3:13, 14
13…but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.