First Weekend of 2009
Welcome to the first official weekend of 2009! Many pastors will be casting vision for their local churches this weekend; churches all across the country are beginning 21 day fasts to seek God for their local churches and communites as well as for our nation! No matter what it looks like in the natural, when God's people humble themselves and pray and seek HIS FACE, nothing but good can come out of it!
We begin 2009 with our friends at Beauregard Revival Center in Opelika, Alabama! In 2008 we experienced a move of the Holy Spirit there that lasted 4 weeks! We are believing the next thing God does is always greater than the last thing God did!
If you are in the East Alabama area we invite you to join us for services nightly at 6pm Central Time. If you can't make it at 6pm, come whne you can! You can also watch the services live by clicking and follow the links to the live streaming.
The next thing God does is always greater than the last thing God did!