Final Lodwar Report
By the time most of you read this our team will be on the road to Kilgoris. Our training for Maasai Pastors begins on Tuesday morning.
Saturday was another spectacular day for ministry. ALong with the training crusade and revival meeting, our team pulled together close to $250.00 to buy loaves of bread and corn meal to take to a village that had no food. You should have seen them dancing and singing as we drove up! We were also able to take a huge water truck to give away drinking water. I was told by three villagers and three different pastors who live in the area, these had had never eaten loaf bread before. It sounds impossible…but it’s true. It was life changing to say the least!
On Sunday our team divided up for ministry in local churches in Lodwar and Sunday morning alone we saw almost 100 people give their lives to Jesus from the different ministry.
In the Sunday afternoon crusade over 50 more people came forward confessing Jesus as Lord with almost 100 more coming for personal prayer.
Sunday night at the closing service of the revival meeting, each team member took 7 minutes on the Holy Spirit. First, that was a great challenge for all of us, but you will be happy to know, I was through in 6 minutes! Don’t tell Pam.
As each speaker got to the end of his allotted time, you could feel people’s faith building and at the altar call many were filled with the Holy Spirit, and everybody left the meeting blessed. Two young ladies were set free from demons (oh sorry, people aren’t really bound and possessed by demons anymore; someone should have told those girls that) the whole congregation was so blessed it was almost 10:45 pm and no one was leaving. No. One.
We are meeting with the Lodwar Pastors Fellowship this morning to discuss plans on establishing training for the local pastors in this area. The Fellowship has been asking us since last year to duplicate what we have done in Kilgoris. Pray for us for wisdom and for traveling safety today.
Probably by the time you will read this, I will be a Pawpaw for the fifth time. I can’t wait to tell you his name, because he is already destined to bring a lot of happiness to our lives.
Your prayers and financial support for our outreaches in Kenya are making a difference in the lives of many, many people.
God Bless You!