Final August Kenya Report

David Copeland August 30, 2011 9:06 am

After 32 days of non-stop ministry (preaching/teaching sometimes 3 times per day) and 40 straight hours of traveling I am back home. I’m grateful I got to hold my new little grandson on Monday and officially welcome him into the Copeland Clan!

My mind and heart is so overwhelmed at the opportunities God has placed before us. Ten years ago Pam and I began full time itinerant ministry, and I never dreamed in my wildest dream I would see what we have seen.

God has allowed us to minister on five different continents, in at least twelve different nations. While that’s not much compared to many other itinerant ministries, for an unknown guy from Alabama that had zero contacts when he started doing this, that’s big!

In order for you to go to heaven when you die you must have favor with God. In order for you to fulfill your assignment before you die you must have favor with man. You don’t need favor with every man, just the right man. Even Jesus Himself had to grow into this as Scripture tells us in Luke 2:52 (one of my favorite verses) And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.

I am very grateful to and for every pastor who has opened their pulpits up to us in the last ten years to allow us to share what God is doing with us. I am thankful for every partner who has invested money into us to allow us to go to the nations of the world.

I am grateful to the businessmen and businesswomen who have sown resources into Revival Now Ministries, helping us encourage and equip pastors and leaders on these five different continents. And I’m thankful for the intercessors who have labored in prayer for us that God would protect us and use us for His Kingdom Glory.

All this giving of time, talent and treasure these last 33 plus days helped us watch over 1,000 new names be added to the Lamb’s Book of Life; hundreds feel the healing touch of Jesus and absolutely hundreds more receive the Infilling of the Holy Spirit.

The cry for our Pastors/Leadership Training is coming to us from all across East Africa, S.E. Asia and South America. One project we are looking into is the possibility of purchasing Kindle’s from and loading them with Bibles, Commentaries and Concordances to give away to pastors in developing countries. We are also hearing the cry for laborers in some of the Pacific Islands to come help in the works there.

All of this can only be accomplished as God gives us favor with people like you, who will believe in people like us, to entrust us with the resources to minister to people like them.

We have no denomination pouring truck loads of money into our ministry. In fact, the vision is SO BIG in my heart not one church or organization can finance it, only God can. But God uses people like you to join together in partnership to accomplish and establish His Kingdom on earth, like it is in heaven.

If you would like to become a part of what God is doing through Revival Now Ministries, you can click the tab Give at the top of your screen and it will take you to our Paypal site. Or, you can send an email to or write to us: Revival Now Ministries
P.O. Box 1076
Lanett, Alabama 36863

Thanks to God for giving us favor with friends like you; and thank you for granting favor to guys like me!

Asante’ Sana!