Final August 2012 Kenya Update
I really thought I would get more chances to update our August Kenya outreach, but because our schedule has been so busy (ministering 12 hours per day for three weeks), I am now at home and just now getting it taken care of. Oh well; I had good intentions!
I have already given an update from Lodwar in a previous post. But I can add to it that since we left, there has been an excitement in the churches about what God did during our time there. One thing that blessed my heart was the testimony of one of the pastors in Lodwar who had made up his mind to resign and leave the town. But after God moved during the time we were there, God has renewed his vision, touched his heart and his family to stay put!
When God’s leaders get encouraged, people will receive encouragement also! That’s not good English, but it’s still good preaching!
August 21-23 Revival Now helped sponsor the First Kilgoris Interdenominational Women’s Conference. Over 350 women from 47 different churches took part and were greatly touched by the Lord. Many of then stood on the last day of the meeting and openly declared: “I’m proud to be a woman!” In a VERY male dominated society, that’s a very bold statement to make publically.
From August 24-31 we conducted our August Session of the Revival Now School of Ministry/Maasai Vocational Leadership Training there in Kilgoris. Over 80 pastors registered and over 100 pastors and leaders attended the 8 days of teaching on Life of Christ Part 2, The Power of Purpose, The Names and God and Essentials: Basic Bible Doctrine. I was personally blessed to have Andrew Peters, Kathleen Gage and Terry Neff teaching with me this time.
On Wednesday and exactly 9am as we were winding down the worship time and transitioning into another teaching segment, the Holy Spirit invaded the meeting just like He did at about 9am in Acts Chapter 2. Until almost 12:40 in the afternoon, we wept, repented, worshiped, praised, prophesied, and repented and worshiped again…the Holy Spirit was moving in waves of Glory like I don’t think I’ve ever experienced in 34 years of ministry.
There is a recurring joke in our circles that says “…we had a great service today; the preacher didn’t get to preach!” Meaning the Holy Spirit moved in such a way that the preacher could get to what he wanted to do. It’s almost like, if the preacher preaches, it’s not a good service.
This was more than a “good service”; there was something so tangible and so holy that was released (at least in my life) we were afraid to do anything out of a great reverential fear of missing God and offending the Holy Spirit!
As the Spirit moved there were many pastors and leaders who began to be used in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit that had never been used before in that way. There was such an overwhelming sense of God’s Presence, not one person left. That’s Pentecost!
I realize in the United States, our attention span has been reduced to about 20 good minutes, the length of the average American sitcom. I am absolutely convinced American people ARE interested in the supernatural; they ARE interested in an authentic encounter with the Living God. And yes, I also know, it doesn’t have to go on and on and on…. and it doesn’t have to be goofy to be God. God’s Presence is wonderful, not weird.
But NO ONE wanted to leave because we DIDN’T WANT TO LEAVE HIS PRESENCE!
Everywhere I go people ask me, “Why are you seeing all these things in other countries, and America seems disinterested in the things of God now?”
Hunger. Thirst.
When we get hungry again, we will find Him. Because we will seek Him with a determination that we don’t currently have. I almost wrote desperation. But desperation is not a good word. Many of us are desperate! The key is determination to seek Him until we find Him. We know we have been sold a bill of goods that will never be the answer to America’s ills.
It’s not a new president or a new congress we need. We need a new heart. A heart that is totally in love with Jesus again.
May God give us that same hunger and thirst for Jesus and His Presence like I had and experienced last week in Kilgoris.
Jesus made it clear what will happen: we shall be filled!
I say it with all sincerity: thank you to every partner, every pastor, every church, every organization that sows into Revival Now Ministries. The opportunities we have before us are so many, the responsibility is so great, the time so short, the situations so urgent, and we cannot stop here!
We are not only continuing our outreaches into Kenya in the coming year, but we are also expanding our Leadership Training into Lodwar Kenya in 2013. We are also praying about invitations we have to Uganda, Philippines, Myanmar, Indonesia and expanding even further into Nicaragua.
We need your help. And your prayers. Thank you in advance for being obedient to what God tells you to do.