February 22, 2013 Weekend Update
Welcome to our weekend update!
As I mentioned in our February Newsletter, this month has a great sentimental place in my heart. 35 years ago I preached my first sermon. It was so bad, my grandmother handed me a ten dollar bill and said, “…son, go buy you some books, you are going to need all the help you can get!”
33 years ago this next week, I took Pam to be my wife. Next week we get to spend the whole week together celebrating our anniversary on a much-needed vacation.
February 1983 we moved our young family to East Alabama, the place we have called home since then. A couple of our grandchildren were dedicated in February. So as you can see, February can certainly bring a tear to my eye!
But then, I am a naturally sentimental guy. I cried during the Disney movie Toy Story. I’m glad I have a tender heart. Especially when it comes to the things of God; I always want to keep a tender heart.
Life, sin and circumstances have a way of making your heart hard. I have seen many people in my 51 years of living harden their hearts toward God. I am saddened when I see people begin serving the Lord with a sensitive and tender heart, only to have it crushed by circumstances, betrayal, sickness, satanic hindrances or prophetic disappointments. Many times this opposition causes an offended spirit.
I have noticed that people who are highly sensitive to the voice of the Lord and have a tender heart toward God, can at times also become easily offended. Then when they become offended, over time their heart becomes hard toward preachers, toward the church…and yes, toward God.
As February comes to a close, don’t let this month depart before you check your heart: make sure you have not allowed your heart to become hard because of an unkind word, an unjust act committed against you, or the betrayal from someone you loved.
Don’t allow the spirit of offense to cause your heart to grow cold and hard. Solomon said it best:
Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it spring the issues of life.
Proverbs 4:23 NKJV
If you are in the Houston Texas area this weekend, we will be ministering at New Life Church in Cypress with Pastor Steve Weaver. Pastor Steve & Karen are great friends of this ministry and we are grateful for the honor to minister for them this weekend. Service begins Sunday morning at 10:30am. For more information, and directions to New Life Church, visit our website http://revivalnow.org/schedule.
April 7th I will be traveling back to Kenya for our next Kenya outreach. We are looking forward to our first Pastors Training in Lodwar Northern Kenya; our next Kilgoris Pastors & Leaders Training; as well as an outreach in Isiolo in Central Kenya. Thank you for your prayers and support in Revival Now Ministries World wide outreaches!
Praying for the fire to fall in your life this weekend!