Extreme Seasons #2
I was talking with a sister who is a prophet recently about where we are at this season in God. She had a personal word for Pam and I that was on target. She is not a goof ball but a woman of God who walks a balanced lifestyle with Jesus that why I can receive what she says when she tells me something she feels is from the Lord.
She said, "…moves of God are cyclical just like natural seasons…and the Lord is telling His people things are going to look like they did to some degree in 2001…"
I knew that already but when she said it something clicked inside me. My mind immediately flooded back to 2001 and the major transition Pam and I experienced then.
Our oldest daughter Megan had married, Missy was away at college, Megan and Eric had moved away to become youth pastors at a church in Alabama, and God called us out of pastoral ministry to itinerant ministry. There was extreme warfare during that season. But the warfare was a result of all of us stepping out into the season God called us as a family to walk in. That season brought instruction encouragement authority and also a new season of trusting God for provision.
2001 was also the year the United States began transitioning from a safe haven to a country at war with extremism. The days of Leave It To Beaver were over long ago, but in 2001, America came to a firm grasp of it. Things had changed and they never would be the same ever again. But once again, the church lagged behind and we are still trying to catch up.
The seasons of God are cyclical spiritually just like they are naturally. But we must stay focused on HIM! Because even though things may look familiar and similar, God will do and is doing something even great than He did in 2001, 1995, 1996, 1975, 1950 and even great than what He did in 1906 at Azuza Street!
Do not go back to what is familiar, simply because it is safe! When God sends us off on a journey, He's already made provision, protection and power for the journey. Don't give in to a familiar spirit simply because it looks like it is the safe thing to do. Reach out for God's hand and as He takes yours, don't let go…He's taking you to a place in Him that is far greater than you've ever been before!
Many of you have been through so much transition you feel like that's all your life will ever be! And you are right! Transition will bring us into a new position, which will lead to expansion and an accelerating of God's perfect will for our lives!
There will be even more transition in churches, in our nation, in the economy, in politics, in our families, and yes, even in our personal lives. God's intention of transition is to make us better; satan's intention of transition is to make us bitter. Know the difference between the two; and don't let anyone talk you out of your journey with the Father. It's His good pleasure to give you the Kingdom power you need to endure extreme seasons.
Stay in the middle with Jesus. He is the answer to the extreme seasons we will face in the days to come.
Let the FIRE fall!