December Newsletter
This is a copy of our monthly newsletter we mail to our friends and partners monthly. To sign up for our monthly newsletter go to and sign up and send me an email to confirm your interest. My email is david.
By the time you receive this month's newsletter we will have arrived in Kenya for the 7th Annual Christ's Victors Masaai Convention. This is an annual event that brings together 55 different denominations. Last year over 200 pastors attended the meeting with over 6,000 registered guests. Please pray and agree that God will give us a great harvest of souls and that there will be a demonstration of the Holy Spirit and Power! We are honored to have been invited again to take part in this wonderful convention.
It's hard to conceive we are now at the end of 2009! I have said this at the end of every year for the last eight years, but 2009 has truly been the greatest year (again) in the history of our ministry!
More people have been saved, more reported healings, more people filled with the Spirit, and more pastors encouraged, trained and ordained (man I need to be a poet!) than the previous years combined. To God Be ALL The Glory!
Pam and I recently was traveling through South Georgia on our way to Florida to visit my Grandparents for their 67th (yes I said that right 67th) wedding anniversary, when we passed by some cotton fields that were in full boll. The brightness of the cotton shining in the afternoon sun was almost blinding! My mind raced to the Scripture in John 4 in which Jesus said the fields are white, ready to harvest…
I have written and stated repeatedly that I am convinced God is getting us ready for the next Great Awakening! Wikipedia from May 15, 2005 states a Great Awakening happens when social change renders traditional religion (or the thesis in Hegel's terminology) no longer able to answer the questions posed by contemporary life. A certain disconnect occurs between religion and the real world. New belief systems attempt to fill the gap, eventually leading to a full Great Awakening.
If this doesn't summarize what we are seeing in America, I don't know what does. But even with all the turmoil and uncertainty the world is in right now, I am certain that in 2010 several things will take place:
1. The Blood of Jesus will still wash all confessed sin away. Our money may lose more value. America may lose ground with the war on terror. The U.S. may lose more influence with other nations of the world. But the Blood of Jesus will still wash away sins that are confessed in the Name of Jesus!
2. The Word of God will still work. Jesus said it best. Heaven and earth will pass away, but His words will never pass away. His word will bring comfort, correction, and confirmation for direction for all our lives. His Word will continue to be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. I purpose to continue to hide His Word in my heart that I might not sin against Him!
3. The Holy Spirit will still draw people to Jesus. If the Almighty never slumbers or sleeps (Psalms 121:3,4 ) then we can know for certain, people will get saved in 2010 because the Holy Spirit is the active force convicting people of their sinful condition, and convincing them the only way to eternal life is through Jesus. People will not be converted by blowing up abortion clinics, or by picketing business that are anti-Christian. People will follow Jesus when the Holy Spirit penetrates their hearts and convinces them of who HE IS! Go get 'em, Holy Spirit!
4. Jesus could possibly come in 2010. If He doesn't will I be discouraged? Nope. It just gives me another year to preach His name, love His people, and build His Kingdom! Make no mistake about it: His Kingdom WILL come; His will, shall be done, on this earth like it is in heaven. I just want to make sure I'm in on what HE is doing!
All the good we have seen take place has come because of faithful friends like you! Thank you for your prayers and your financial support in 2009. Thank you for purchasing our book Breaking the Spirit of Absalom. The proceeds from the sale of this book help us fund our Kenya outreaches. Next year we believe God is calling us to take many more trips to Kenya conducting crusades and pastors conferences.
We are preparing to publish a new booklet to give to new converts that I am in the process of finishing titled Welcome To Jesus. This booklet (approximately 15 pages or less) will also be translated into Swahili to be used in our African Crusades. We are rolling out a new logo, a new newsletter format, more Internet TV programs, special monthly webcasts and of course, we believe that 2010 will be the year God gives the United States it's next Great Awakening!
This is also the time of year in which people like to sow special end of the year gifts into worthy ministries. If you would like to sow a special end of the year offering to Revival Now Ministries, or would like to make sure you get tax credit for your giving in 2009, please make sure your gift is in our office by December 31, 2009.
Thank you for believing in what God has called Pam and I to do. Thank you for your prayers and support of Revival Now Ministries!
David & Pam