December 11, 2012 Kenya Update
Thank you to all the friends and partners of Revival Now Ministries. Your giving has helped us touch lives on almost every continent of the world in 2012.
I also want to thank the friends who have sowed a special seed through our GoFundMe outreach on Facebook. The $3,500 you helped us raise is feeding, housing and equipping these men and women from all across Kenya who have literally forsaken all to follow the call of God to full time ministry. We will spend this amount and much more to host this Leadership Training. These guys do not sit around, drink coffee, and play golf 5 days per week. They are on the front lines in unreached areas of Kenya declaring Jesus still saves, heals delivers and sets the captives free. And they are very worthy of our support.
We have completed Day 2 of the Maasai Vocational Training in Kilgoris Kenya. 107 pastors are registered and the hunger and thirst for the Word is literally off the charts!
I am happy to have Missionary Tim Williams from Healing Hands Ministries, Lake City Florida as well as Bishop Charles Henderson from Los Angeles California with me on this trip. Tim has been working in Haiti and Guyana South America for the last several years teaching and training pastors and reaching the interior villages with the Gospel. He kept the work in Guyana going when God changed our assignment to Kenya.
Bishop Henderson is the General Secretary of AEGA International Ministries in Monroe Louisiana. He is a powerful Prophet and is feeding these men and women with some powerful wisdom on Biblical Leadership. Both these men are flowing with an anointing that is indescribable…you have to be here to experience it!
We have three more days of training then our Annual Certificate Ceremony on Saturday. I wish I could be more descriptive but when you minister for 10-12 hours per day and get back to your room, all you can think about it getting to sleep before you pass out in the floor!
Thanks again for the prayers and your financial support. Lives are being changed and empowered with a Kingdom mandate for the last days. You will have a great reward in heaven when you see what your seed has accomplished.
Karibou Kenya!