Bronchitis & An X-ray
I have been battling a case of bronchitis for the last three weeks that I can’t seem to shake off. Once again, I’ve repented of anything and everything I can think of that would open the door to this attack. But I also know, unusual attacks will always surround the birth of an unusual anointing.
This took me on another journey to the doctor (which I don’t normally do) to try to get some relief. As the triage nurse took me for an x-ray she asked me if I was a preacher. I replied, “was it the shirt that gave it away or my raspy voice?”
She began to tear up and said, “You don’t know me but I know you”. Usually, when someone tells me this I am always in a lot of trouble.
She said, “you don’t know it, but I am a Christian today because of you!” I started tearing up.
She began to tell me ten years ago in a revival at small rural East Alabama Church, she came to the service scared, backslid…and searching for God. During the altar service I came all the way to the back of the church where she was sitting and gave her a word God was speaking to my heart for her. That night she gave her life to the Lord and again she said, “I wanted to tell you last week when you were here but I was scared; but I am a Christian today because of you!”
The tears flowed again.
You never really know the impact you are making on other people’s lives. Many, many times over the last 33 years of preaching I have wondered if the hours of prayer, preparation and the preaching and praying for people in the altar was really making any kind of impact in people’s lives.
I was just reminded again tonight, this is not my work, it’s God’s. Never underestimate what God might be doing in the hearts of people you are preaching or witnessing to. There ARE great things that will happen in people’s hearts that are a result of our obedience.
In the American church scene today we are told if a church is not having thousands in attendance and if you are not on TV and if your church has not been given the keys to the city…that somehow, you are not being relevant; you’re coming short in your effectiveness for Jesus.
Our area of East Alabama is not known for dynamic ministries or glamorous churches. Don’t get me wrong, there ARE some powerful men and women of God in the East Alabama West Central Georgia area, that ARE making a tremendous impact for Jesus!
But in the eyes of the world (and most of the church world) the majority of the men & women of God in my home area will never be recognized by their denomination; they will never receive the keys to their city; but they are faithfully praying, preaching, prophesying, declaring the Word of God with Faith and Power.
And many spend their whole lives never seeing a lot of fruit for their labor. But if we (my generation on down) if we see any success, it’s because of the labor of the men & women of God who have completed their assignment.
I too realize I am no the greatest preacher, evangelist, missionary in the world, and I am not doing this thing called ministry 100% right; but I am really trying to do it right. I am not saying that out of any false humility (which is pride), I know it is the truth.
Our job is to simply obey and tell the story.
It’s His job to seal the story with Holy Spirit conviction that leads to Salvation.
And there will come a day in which someone will speak to us and tell us “…I am in the Kingdom of God because of you!”
God just reminded me again why Pam and I do what we do. I am doing what I do because I want to hear Jesus say, “WELL DONE GOOD & FAITHFUL SERVANT!”
October is Minister/Pastor Appreciation month. If your church has not done so, organize a dinner, take up a special offering, and arrange for a weekend of relaxation for your pastor & their family. Send them on a cruise, or for a weekend away to the mountains. Have every family buy them a gift card to their favorite restaurants. They are not in ministry for the money, the fame or the fortune. They are in your life because they care for your soul.
Sit down and write a short note telling them how their life and ministry has changed you for the better. Sometimes, they just need to know that the endless hours of prayer preparation, visitation preaching, teaching and caring for others is working.
Pam and I don’t have a church that can do this for us because we are traveling ministers. But last night, I think I received the greatest Pastor Appreciation gift I’ve ever received in 33 years of preaching the Gospel: the sincere testimony of one young lady who will be in heaven because of me. And I didn’t even know I had done something right.
That’s better than money.
Thanks Jesus. You knew I needed this tonight. To YOU be ALL the Glory!