Beauregard Revival Update
Something is happening in East Alabama!
We saw God bring at least 7 backsliders back to Him just in the last couple of services; 19 people were baptized in water last night; and tonight the Presence of God hovered over the service so strong, many fell out underneath the power of His Presence!
This will thrill you: a woman who had a bad disc in her neck that has suffered severe pain for the last couple of years was prayer for on Friday night and was healed of the pain in her neck; several other have reported healings to us also; but most of all we are sensing a tremendous hunger and thirst for God! This seems to be more than just "good Pentecostal services"; something has been very different since the first of March in that I'm convinced God has released an unusual freedom for His people!
Let's keep seeking Him! We will find Him when we seek for Him with all our heart!