Beauregard Revival Update

David Copeland April 14, 2008 6:33 am

Our wekend services in Pattison, Texas at New Life Beginnings Church were off the hook as usually! But there was an unusual anointing present also. Because we had a lot of money invested in airline tickets we came to conduct these meetings and will continue at Beauregard Revival Center in Opelika, Alabama tonight beginning at 6pm central time.

We had a group of men come from The Titus Community, a drug and alcohol Teen Challenge type home here, on Saturday night. They were not only a blessing to be around, it was a blessing to minister to them. Several of them were tremendously ministered to by the Lord.

I want to again sincerely thank all the pastors who have worked with us during this extended time of meetings in Alabama. It blesses me to be able to hear pastors release us to follow the Lord in a particular local church. I know as Pastor Larry Barnes Prince Frederick Maryland said to me, "what I make happen for others, God will make happen for me!"

Also, if you have any reports of revival breaking out in other parts of the country, please shoot me an email to david at
Oh Lord, Send the rain of you Spirit to fall upon our thirsty souls!