Beauregard Revival Update

David Copeland April 17, 2008 10:01 am

We ended our fourth week of revival services last night at Beauregard Revival Center in Opelika Alabama. The Holy Spirit did not disappoint us!

From the outset the Holy Spirit was pulling people closer to Him even again! When there is such a strong pull of the Spirit for people to come closer to Jesus, it makes me wonder if that is what Enoch felt as he walked with God; and then God took him!

The next thing God does is always greater than the last thing God did! One young lady came to the altar for a migraine headache at the beginning of the service and was healed; came back at the altar call and rededicated her life to Jesus and before she could finish a prayer of repentance was speaking in tongues! Without being coached to do so!

We will begin revival services at Tabernacle of Praise in Bedford Indiana with Pastor Gary Thomas Sunday at 10am & 6pm; Monday and Tuesday at 7pm. If you are shut in and cannot attend services, you can visit the Beauregard Revival Center website and click the link to 24/7 streaming video and view the Sunday morning services live from Beauregard Alabama.

And don't forget; the next thing God does is always greater than the last thing God did!