August Kenya Update 4
We are well over half way through our August Kenya Ministry trip. When it's done it will be thirty-five days of intense ministry to pastors, leaders, local churches and towns with crusades seminars and revival meetings.
I have had limited Internet access and a full schedule so basically all I have had time and energy for is a quick update on Facebook. But the last three weeks have been amazing!
We ended our second session of the Maasai Vocational Training Center in Kilgoris with 46 pastors from many different denominations. I will know exactly how many groups were involved when I get back to Kilgoris on August 23rd.
Thursday August 12, we traveled to Lodwar, Turkanna Kenya a very arid area in northern Kenya. We went from the Garden of Eden to the desert. 103 degrees every day; very dry and very dusty. But the Presence of God has been falling like fire!
In our first service in the outdoor crusade on Thursday we saw over 20 people give their lives to Jesus and around 100 come for prayer for various ailments. On Friday at the crusade seven more came forward for salvation. Three of these were Turkanna women who do not speak English or Swahili. Since the message was not translated into Turkanna, the Holy Spirit gave them the translation and they came forward being convicted by the Holy Ghost who knows no language barrier!
While these are not Rheinhard Bonnke numbers, they are still 27 less people going to hell.
God is so cool.
Dozens more came forward for prayer and three different women testified of healing. One woman was having difficulty breathing and was about to go to the hospital when we called for the sick to be prayed for. Hands were laid on her and she began to weep and weep as Jesus touched her body and saved her a hospital bill.
Another young girl was very sick with fever and had gone to the drug store for some medicine but didn't have the money to buy anything. She too testified she was about to go home she was trembling so bad from fever when she received prayer and God instantly touched her body and the fever left. She left the crusade grounds looking like any healthy young woman should look like.
There has been a bad problem in Kenya with evangelists and preachers faking healings in crusades. I have spoken out against this several times this trip while we have been in Kenya. This is another export from the United States that needs to be shot with a missile.
God help us get back to true Christianity and the true Power of the Holy Spirit. Not only in Kenya, but in the United States as well!
We end our time in Turkanna on Sunday night with prayerfully a Holy Ghost explosion. People are coming to the Lord. People are being healed. Pastors and leaders are being equipped and encouraged. And hopefully Jesus is receiving all the Glory.
The warfare has been intense, the heat has been oppressive (no air conditioning), but the Holy Spirit is moving showing the Glory of our Father.
Thank you for believing in us! And thank you for covering us in prayer!