August Kenya Update 3
We are continuing to see the Spirit of God grace us in our third week of ministry and our second full week of the Maasai Pastors Training.
On Sunday each one of our team members ministered in different churches around Kilgoris. In the service I was in at Tabernacle Revival Ministry, at least ten people gave their lives to Jesus and then the altar filled with people who were being touched by God. The Day of Salvation and revival has definitely NOT passed away!
We also began our second full week of Pastors Training continuing the Authority of the Believer, New Testament 1 & 2 and Acts. The Holy Spirit is brooding over each meeting in a distinct and powerful way.
There is a continuing unity that is among the pastors and churches of this area across denominational lines that is more distinct than anywhere I have been in many years. That doesn't mean there are not some struggles; but I see a willingness to work through conflict that is commendable.
Thursday Ken Haley and I travel to Lodwar, Turkanna where we will conduct a crusade and pastors seminar through Sunday. The following week we are taking part in two different Conventions that are expecting approximately 10,000 to be in attendance.
Thank you to all our friends and partners that have sown into this trip. I cannot thank you enough for helping us speak into the lives of these men and women of God who are also reaching into many unreached areas of Maasai in both Kenya and Tanzania. They want me to say thank you from Kilgoris Kenya!
Karibou Sana!