August 2016 Kenya Update 1
As most of you know this month we led a team from Virgina, Alabama, Tennessee & Texas to Kenya East Africa for 3 plus weeks of intense ministry. Here are just a few of the highlights of the Revival Now International Outreach in Kenya in August of this year:
Malava School of Ministry: This was the first session of the Revival Now School of Ministry in Malava. Over 300 in attendance/scores filled with Holy Spirit;
Kilgoris Women’s Conference: Over 550 in attendance, scores filed with Holy Spirit as well;
Maranantha Leaders Conference: over 100 in attendance;
Ogembo Leaders Conference: almost 100 in attendance, many filled with Holy Spirit and one delivered from demons;
Kilgoris School of Ministry: 114 registered with more in attendance.
These eleven hundred plus men and women of God combined have the potential to touch an estimated population of over 7 million people! Our staff has been overwhelmed with testimonies from current students and former students who are thanking us for continuing to offer this School of Ministry to them. It is changing lives for the better!
Thank you for partnering with us in touching, encouraging and equipping leaders in the remote areas of East Africa and the nations of the world! Your giving is vital in helping us continue to touch leaders around the world with revival fire and the life-giving message of the Word of God. I will have a complete wrap up of our August trip when I return home.
Asante Sana!