August 2012 Kenya Update #1
We arrived in Lodwar Turkana Kenya on Thursday afternoon August 16 and headed straight to the crusade grounds in the downtown market place. Approximately 500 people were gathered there to hear the Word of God. I ministered from Hebrews 3 on Today, if you will hear HIS voice… God moved and touched hearts with about 10 people giving their lives to Jesus.
Friday and Saturday we were involved in Leaders Training in the morning, crusades in the afternoon, the revival services at night. Andrew Peters from Dallas Texas, Pastor Jackson Mongaine from Kilgoris and Paul Egeny from Marsabit have accompanied me on this trip and God has used all of these men of God in a mighty way.
Over the last several weeks I have experienced weariness in my life I have never felt before. It wasn’t burnout; I’ve experienced burnout many years ago. This was different. For weeks I have had days in which a weariness of spirit soul and body would overtake me and I would go from getting angry and frustrated to weeping almost uncontrollably. It got so bad a few weeks ago, one of my daughters called me out on it. When your kids have to get on to you, you know you need some help!
No, I wasn’t losing it and I’m not loosing it…I have now realized it was a spiritual warfare for this coming trip. Finally one day last week as Pam and I were praying together, I was simply telling the Lord, I couldn’t go on any further, when very gently Isaiah 40:31 came to my heart: They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength…
I didn’t hear a voice. I didn’t see a vision. I didn’t feel goose bumps. It wasn’t very dramatic at all. But something happened. Very gently and very sweetly, the weariness lifted. It simply shifted. Peacefully. And thankfully.
I realized upon my arrival in Lodwar, that same spirit had been attacking many of the pastors here. I also know this is happening worldwide at this hour. Since I have been serving God over 37 years, I seen these type of seasons come and go before. But there is a weariness that has overcome many of God’s people that is unlike anything I have ever seen before in my life!
I’m not chastising you for being weary. Please understand, it’s not a lack of faith that is the reason you have become weary. The weariness is satan’s attempt to take you out of the good fight of faith!
You can overcome weariness by learning to get into the Presence of the Lord and linger there. This is hard for me to do. By my personality, I’m very easily distracted. Which is where Elijah my grandson gets it. But as we press into His presence and not be in a hurry to leave, the weariness, the frustrations and the cares of this world will wash away.
And we will find new strength for our journey with Jesus!
As I ministered this on Saturday night over 75 lay people, pastors and leaders filled the altar weeping, crying…and getting free from the spirit of weariness. I’m glad one of the reason’s Jesus came was to give us a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. And I’m convinced this is the main reason God sent me to Lodwar!
Sunday afternoon the crusade ended with many more giving their lives to Jesus. As I was beginning to give the altar call, I noticed a commotion going on to my left. I thought it was someone making a scene; when everyone in the crowd looked over there at the commotion. It was a man who had been paralyzed by a stroke that simply got up!
It got the attention of many in the crowd and they came forward and gave their lives to Jesus because of it. While the man did not receive a complete healing, he testified he felt the Presence of God in a way he had never felt Him before.
The revival meeting Sunday night exploded with many receiving the Holy Spirit Baptism and an impartation for ministry.
Thank you for your continuing prayers and financial support of Revival Now’s call to the nations! There are multitudes of people in Lodwar that are grateful you sent us! We arrived in Kilgoris on today (Tuesday) and will lead some worship during the Ladies Conference on Wednesday, then begin our next Pastors Training on Thursday.
I will also post this note on our blog at Visit our website for a complete schedule, newsletter and to watch recent editions of our Friday Fire Video.
Your Missionaries To The Nations!