April and A New Beginning
It's hard to believe we are now in April, the fourth month of 2009!
This month of April is said to derive its name from the Latin verb aperio, which signifies to open, because all the buds and blossoms are now opening and we have arrived at the gates of the flowery year. (Charles Spurgeon Devotion)
To open. As we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ this month I want you to take time to focus on a couple of thoughts:
First, the heaven opened. The heaven opened one day and an angel came and visited an unknown insignificant Jewish girl in whom God was well pleased; and she opened he heart and received and believed the word spoken unto her. Be it unto me according to your word Oh Lord!
Second, death opened. Death opened up its sinister mouth and took our Lord Jesus Christ. He was not killed; the Romans soldiers didn't kill Him; the Jews didn't kill Him; He gave up the ghost…He died! But all the while he was dead, He was really alive! Taking the keys away from satan that had kept generations in fear of the unknown that was to come! While He was dead, He was opening up eternal life for all humanity, taking the keys of hell and of the grave!
Thirdly, the grave opened. When the first day of the week had finally arrived, God dispatched an angel to open the grave that had been sealed by Pilate and the Sanhedrin council to prevent people from stealing Jesus' Body and saying He was really alive. The Sanhedrin couldn't keep Him there; the Roman soldiers couldn't keep Him there; satan couldn't keep Him there, because when God the Father opens the door, no man can shut it!
April signifies to us also there is coming a day in which the heavens will open, and "… the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words." I Thes. 4: 16-18
April declares to me the open door for a new beginning! New flowers, new leaves on the trees, brown grass turning green again, all tell us our Father loves us so much He is giving us an open door to a new beginning!
Don't be afraid to walk on through the door to your next season in God!