10, 20, 30 Years Ago (revised version)

David Copeland November 20, 2007 10:59 am

On a lighter note, I have been tagged by slw of the Sound of Thunder Blog to blog what I was doing 10, 20, and 30 years ago. Oh Father, this is going to show how old I am! Here it goes:

1977 (30 years ago ouch!) 1977 found me a Junior in High School and moving as a family from Columbus Georgia to a town north of Chattanooga Tennessee named Soddy Daisy. I had intentions of quitting school when we got there, but thank God I didn't, I stayed with it!

In November of '77 I had a visitation from the Lord in which over a period of three nights, I saw myself standing before a huge mass of people, as far as the eye could see; and I felt the anointing of the Holy Ghost in a way in which I had never felt Him before! On the last night it happened, I told the Lord, "I don't know what you are trying to tell me but I will do it, even if it is preaching!"

Three weeks later, we were at a Baptist Church (of all places) in Central Alabama at a Gospel Sing, when a man stood up and prophesied to me everything I saw in my dream a couple of weeks before! The reason it impacted me so, was I NEVER told anyone about the visitation the Lord gave me two weeks prior! So, the real journey began…

1987 Found us in Lanett, Alabama. God had just healed our marriage (Pam and I had separated and filed for divorce), and I had also received a dramatic healing from Hepatitis B; when we began attending an AG church that was looking for a youth pastor. God began dealing with me about it, I approached the pastor about it, and Pam and I saw in one year God restore our marriage, our health (she was healed of Hepatitis B also) and our ministry. Prior to 1987 we spent several years being kicked out of Baptist churches because of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Go figure. We instantly saw God begin to touch young people and get on Fire for God!!!! There is a lot more, but must move on this is not a book…

1997- Second year of Senior Pastor of Evangel Temple in Lanett. We began seeing a tremendous move of revival take place in every ministry of the church. It started with the youth and carried over into every other ministry. I also faced the greatest crisis of our life and ministry that actually began in 1996. But God brought forth the greatest victory of our lives. I can't say more than that, but trust me…God was really good to us and to our girls!!!!

2007- For the last 6 ½ years we have traveled almost all around the world preaching to congregations large, but the majority of them small; I have preached close to 300 times, seeing more people come to Jesus in one year than we have in the 30 years prior! More healings, more deliverance and more churches experiencing the love of God and the Power of God in a fresh way! November 28th through December 13th will find us on our fifth trip to the nation of Kenya East Africa, where we are believing God to see miracles, wonders and signs, and most of all: A great harvest of Souls!

I now tag, JC Smith, Northern Farmer, and Mark Hatfield. I also forgot to tag my son-in-law David Russell who wisely informed me I left out ten years of my life! (sorry David, now you are tagged!) I would tag Brad Morgan and Jack Chancey, but their blogs are not ready yet!!!!(hint, hint!)