News and Updates

February 1, 2015

David Copeland · February 1, 2015
Newsletter · Volume: 15 Issue: 2

A few days ago, Pam and I had the opportunity to sit in two different ministers meetings in Texas (one in which we ministered) and have our spiritual batteries recharged. The fellowship has been tremendous and the Word of God has built our faith to pursue our assignment with an even greater hunger and passion than we already have.

For the last several months we have been sensing the Lord challenging us to stretch our faith to be able to spend even more time in other countries ministering the Gospel. I am convinced God is preparing the United States for another Great Awakening and we definitely want to be a part of it.
Just as I am convinced God is preparing our nation for another Great Awakening, I also believe He has an awakening for other nations as well. The Gospel is not for one race, one nation, one denomination or people group: all the Gospel is for all nations!

Our assignment in this season is to continue and to expand our pastoral discipleship program to other areas of Kenya; and to take our part of the Great Commission to other nations as well. Just this past Friday as we were traveling to the airport to fly to Texas, two separate phone calls came pleading with us to come to those countries and do ministry. I fully understand we don’t have to take every opportunity that comes our way. But when you have been called to the nations and hungry hearts are crying out for discipleship, every invitation is a potential mission trip. The calling of God upon our lives has us setting on GO unless Jesus says no.

We are greatly humbled that God would call us and people would want us. That’s not false humility (because that’s another form of pride), that’s being truthful. It’s all because it’s time for Holy Spirit to accomplish His greatest work in the earth.

And He will do that through willing vessels like us!

Because of confirmation after confirmation about the direction of the Lord for Revival Now, we are adding another trip to Kenya in June of this year. We will be traveling across the border from Kilgoris into Tanzania to minister to a group of Maasai who have been forgotten by the larger body of Christ there because of their remote location. The Annual Kilgoris Fire Conference will take place immediately following that meeting. We have also been invited by another ministry to help with some crusades & conferences in Central America in September of this year.
Thank you for being a part of this journey with us. There are goers and there are senders. There are plane tickets to be bought, pastors & leaders to be trained, sound equipment to purchase for the outreaches and souls to be won for Christ. Thank you for believing in us, praying for us and sowing your seed into us. We cannot do what we do without friends like you. Thank you for sending us as your hands and feet to the nations!

To help us with this international outreach visit our website You can also read our other monthly newsletters, see a complete schedule listing as well as watch our Friday Fire Videos.

Again, thank you for believing in and supporting the Revival Now Ministries world wide outreach!

David & Pam

Revival Now Ministries Winter Conference February 20-22, 2015
The Bridge Church
Cusseta, Alabama
Pastor Bill Bryan
Service Times:
Fri & Sat 6:30pm Central Time
Sun 10am & 6pm Central Time