News and Updates

October 1, 2015

David Copeland · October 1, 2015
Newsletter · Volume: 15 Issue: 10

Just a few weeks ago I turned 54. I really miss being in my early 20’s. Even though those were very hard years for me (mainly because of so much rebellion in my heart) I do wish I could get a do over on some of those them.

As I am standing here at my kitchen counter looking at my AARP application for senior citizen hood, I decided to jot down a short list of things I have learned in my 54 years on planet earth:

1. I need Jesus now more than ever before.
In reading through the Book of Romans this month, Holy Spirit has opened my eyes to the truth that He elected me to hear the Gospel enough times to finally give my life to Jesus. He did not have to speak to me. I didn’t have to listen I could have resisted Him. But He kept speaking to me. Over. And over. And over…until I said yes to Him. And I am so grateful He was persistent.

I completely committed my life to Jesus at age 14 and from then till now, He has been so good to me. As one man said one time, ” I will never get out of debt with Him”. But the longer I live on planet earth, the sweeter He grows; and the more I realize I need Him now more than ever before.

2. The longer I live for Him, the less I think I know.
Yes, like any young man, there was a time in my life that I thought I knew it all. Yes, there were times I acted like I knew it all. There were times my mentors tried to give me instruction and I couldn’t understand what they were trying to tell me. They were not being controlling and I wasn’t trying to be hard headed, for some reason it just didn’t resonate.

I finally got the message. Many things you will learn from a book. Other things you will learn from mentors. Some of the best lessons are learned from practical experience. Learning to pray through on your own. Learning to listen to the voice of Holy Spirit as you are reading the Word. Being willing to come to the understanding, the more you grow, the less you will think you know. To me that is a mark of having a teachable spirit.

3. In 54 years of living on planet earth I have found a promise delayed does not mean a promise is denied.
There was a season I thought I could break into hell with a water pistol and take over. I knew God called me. I had a little bit of Bible Education and not much wisdom at all. Information without enough impartation. I am so embarrassed to say it, but many people in my hometown knew it already.

I thought for sure I was wearing a hole in the pew of our church in Lanett, waiting on my time to spread my wings and fly as a leader. I never really wanted to pastor but my God- dream (and I knew it was a God dream) was to travel the country seeing revival and renewal come to the United States.

Every time I would pray about stepping out into itinerant ministry, Holy Spirit would say wait. There were years (and I mean many years) I thought that was the only word God had in His vocabulary!

But I’m glad He said wait; and I glad He helped me to stay put. Had I launched out when I wanted to, it would have been a disaster. But the timing of God is always best. And when the timing of God kisses your promise, that promise revealed will turn out to be greater than you imagined. I am able to speak into the lives of young men and women around the world because I was willing to let my dream die to traveling ministry so God could teach me about pastoral ministry.

Don’t give up on your promise! God is bringing His people into the fulfillment of their promises that were made by Him many years ago.

Numbers 23:19 says it best:
“God is not a man, that He should lie,
Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do?
Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?

Thank you to all the friends and partners who help us with prayer and with financial support. The nations are calling on us to come alongside and help them in their field of assignment. Many need solid basic Bible training. Others just need encouragement or someone from the outside to bring a confirming word about the place of their assignment. Continuing education and encouragement for ministers and leaders whether it be in the form of a conference or a Bible School setting is vital in this hour in every nation of the world.

Would you consider including a special extra gift to help us expand our outreach to the nations? Maybe your church needs a missionary to come and cast the vision for global outreach. Pam and I would love to be a part of your team. Again, every life on earth matters to God; and every gift counts.

Thank you for being sensitive and obedient to what Holy Spirit tells you to do. And thank you for being an important member of our part of the Great Commission.