Revival News-September

David Copeland September 29, 2005 3:19 am

I apologize for being late in blogging…this is all still so new and things are moving so fast…

Since we returned from Guyana in July, our travels have taken us to Tennessee, Florida and Southern Alabama. In all these places we have found hungry hearts crying out to God for the "real thing".

At the same time we have encountered quite a few people in all churches who are content to simply sit on the sidelines and watch others seek God and draw closer to Him.

But God is truly faithful as He has allowed us to see more people respond to the altar calls than we have ever seen before.

More Holy Spirit Baptisms and more reports of healings taking place than at any other time in the twenty-seven years I've been preaching this Gospel!

While thinking about all God is doing and the true need for revival in a service this past Sunday the Holy Spirit quickened three points into my spirit:

1. God used a donkey in the Old Testament to rebuke the madness of a money-hungry prophet;

2. God used a chicken to get the attention of a double-minded apostle;

3. Man used oxen to carry the Glory of God in I Chronicles 13:9,10. Then the oxen stumbled and a man died for touching God's Glory (Ark of the Covenant)

What caused the oxen to stumble? I've always assumed a rock…maybe a pothole…maybe a tick accross the road? Or did the oxen stumble because of the mighty Presence of God?

But this also proves the point when man gets his hands on what God is trying to do, he always seems to move it away from God's original intent. History is filled with account after account of mighty moves of God's Spirit that man got his hands on and turned into a denomination; and eventually quenched the fire of God's Spirit pouring through that movement.

My point is this: if God has to, He will use an animal to get people's attention. But it's never been God's will for an animal to carry the Chabod of God! He chose you and I to live in this time period where sin seems to be abounding…so His Grace could much more abound in and through us! Not another denomination that just "divides the nation" with doctrinal staining at gnats and ends up touching God's Glory that is always moving forward.

Revival WILL come when God's people realize who we are and what we were meant to be! Don't let your past dictate your future! Because where you have been is not a true indicator of where you are going!

Revival will come your way: are you truly preparing for it?

Stay tuned for our podcast…coming soon!